Floral > Rosy > Honeyed > White Flowers > Cinnamic

Phenyl propyl alcohol

3-Phenylpropanol ; Phenylpropyl Alcohol ; Benzene propanol ; Benzyl ethyl alcohol ; Dihydrocinnamic alcohol

Phenyl propyl alcohol  (CAS N° 122-97-4)​

Photo credits: ScenTree SAS

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Information Générales

General Presentation

  • CAS N° : : 122-97-4

  • EINECS number : 204-587-6

  • FEMA number : 2885

  • Density : 0,999

  • Optical rotation : Lorem Ipsum

  • Allergens : This ingredient does not contain any allergen.

  • Refractive Index @20°C : Lorem Ipsum

  • Volatility : Heart

  • Price Range :

  • Appearance : Colorless liquid

  • FLAVIS number : 02.031

  • JECFA number : 636

Information on synthetic ingredients

  • Acid Value : Lorem Ipsum

  • Boiling Point : 235°C

  • Detection Threshold : Donnée indisponible.

  • Molecular formula : C9H12O

  • Log P : 1,9

  • Molecular Weight : 136,19 g/mol

  • Fusion Point : -18°C

  • Flash Point : 112°C

  • Vapor pressure : Lorem Ipsum



Other comments :

Phenyl Propyl Alcohol is more honeyed, warm and cinnamic than Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol.

Stability :

Most of the time, the occurrence of a benzenic cycle in a molecule causes a coloration of this molecule through time

Uses in perfumery :

Phenyl Propyl Alcohol can be used to create ambery and rosy accords. Interesting to give nuance to warm spices or woods. Can bring warmth to floral notes such as carnation, jasmine, narcissus, lilac...

Year of discovery :

Data not available.

Isomerism :

Phenyl Propyl Alcohol positional isomer, 2-Phenylpropanol, has a more green and spicy smell. The other isomer, 1-Phenylpropanol is less cinnamic and more floral.

Synthesis precursor :

Phenyl Propyl Alcohol is a precursor to the synthesis of Phenyl Propyl Aldehyde by reduction and Phenyl Propyl Acid by oxidation. Its esters also have an olfactory importance.

Natural availability :

Phenyl Propyl Alcohol extraction is possible from Siam Benzoin Resinoid (and other origins), Peru Balsam Resinoid or Ceylon Cinnamon EO (and other origins).

Synthesis route :

Its synthesis can be done in two ways. The first is a catalytic hydrogenation of Cinnamaldehyde, obtained by synthesis or from Cassia EO. An oxo synthesis modified from styrene causes the formation of the Phenylpropyl Alcohol, but also of its positional isomer, 2-Phenylpropanol. The two isomers can be separated by a fractional distillation.


Regulations & IFRA

This ingredient is not restricted

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