Animalic > Leather > Almondy


4-methylphenol ; 4-cresol ; 1-hydroxy-4-methylbenzene ; 4-hydroxytoluene ; Para-methyl hydroxybenzene ; Para-methyl phenol ; Para-methylphenol ; Para-oxytoluene

p-cresol (CAS N° 106-44-5)​

Photo credits: ScenTree SAS

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Information Générales

General Presentation

  • CAS N° : : 106-44-5

  • EINECS number : 203-398-6

  • FEMA number : 2337

  • Density : 1,034

  • Optical rotation : Lorem Ipsum

  • Allergens : This ingredient does not contain any allergen.

  • Refractive Index @20°C : Lorem Ipsum

  • Volatility : Base

  • Price Range : €€

  • Appearance : White solid

  • FLAVIS number : 04.028

  • JECFA number : 693

Information on synthetic ingredients

  • Acid Value : Lorem Ipsum

  • Boiling Point : 202°C

  • Detection Threshold : 55 et 100 ppb (0,00001%)

  • Molecular formula : C7H8O

  • Log P : 1,94

  • Molecular Weight : 108,14 g/mol

  • Fusion Point : 33°C

  • Flash Point : 85°C

  • Vapor pressure : Lorem Ipsum



Other comments :

Para-Cresol is said to be 'phenolic'. This molecule is emblematic of this facet. The difference between this molecule and Para-Cresyl acetate is in its almond facet, replaced by a floral facet in the latter.

Stability :

Most of the time, the occurrence of a benzenic cycle in a molecule causes a coloration of this molecule through time

Uses in perfumery :

para-Cresol is used in floral notes of narcissus, jasmine, tuberose, for the contribution of an animalic facet.

Year of discovery :

Data not available.

Isomerism :

As already mentioned, para-Cresol has two positional isomers. Ortho-Cresol has a moldy, leather and plastic smell. Meta-Cresol has a woodier smell and para-Cresol has a much more floral smell.

Synthesis precursor :

Para-Cresol is at the origin of several syntheses used today. It allows to synthesize compounds such as para-Cresyl acetate or para-Cresyl Phenylacetate by a simple esterification reaction. It is also involved in the synthesis of Anisaldehyde by an oxidation reaction and then, by methylation of the intermediate product.

Natural availability :

Para-Cresol is present in Castoreum Absolute, Grandiflorum Jasmine Absolute and in Ylang-Ylang Extra EO (and other ylang fractions), from which it can be extracted in its natural state.

Synthesis route :

The synthesis of para-Cresol is done by a phenol methylation, which can be done using different catalysts. Not all catalysts are selective in the same way, and do not necessarily give the same isomers ratio of Cresol in the end. Here, the structure of the catalyst that is used must be favourable to the formation of the methyl function in opposition to the alcohol function. Regardless of the catalyst, the synthesis is always made during the gaseous phase and at very high temperature.


Regulations & IFRA

  • IFRA 51th : This ingredient is restricted by IFRA

  • This ingredient is not restricted for the 49th amendment

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