Scentree ingredients
Discover the list of ingredients in ScenTree, by origin and by alphabetical order.
Each week we add between 6 and 8 ingredients. In order to give you an overview of all the ingredients in ScenTree, we have listed them here:
- Agarwood oil (Indonesia)
- Ajowan leaf oil
- Allspice oil
- Ambreine
- Ambrette seed absolute
- Amyris oil
- Angelica root oil
- Artemisia vulgaris oil
- Basil oil (estragole type)
- Basil oil (linalool type)
- Bay leaf oil (West Indian)
- Beeswax absolute
- Bergamot oil (expressed)
- Birch tar oil (rectified)
- Black pepper oil
- Black spruce oil
- Bran absolute
- Bucchu oil
- Cacao absolute
- Cade oil
- Cajuput oil
- Calamus oil
- Caraway seed oil
- Cardamom seed SFE
- Cardamom seed absolute
- Cardamom seed oil
- Carrot seed oil
- Cassia oil
- Cassie absolute
- Cassis bud absolute
- Castoreum resinoid
- Cedar leaf oil
- Cedarwood Alaska oil
- Cedarwood Atlas oil
- Cedarwood China oil
- Cedarwood Himalaya oil
- Cedarwood Texas oil
- Cedarwood Virginia oil
- Celery seed SFE
- Celery seed oil
- Chamomile blue oil
- Chamomile roman oil
- Chamomile wild oil
- Champaca absolute
- Cinnamon bark oil
- Cinnamon leaf oil
- Cistus absolute
- Cistus by-absolute
- Cistus oil
- Citron oil
- Citronella oil (Ceylon type)
- Citronella oil (Java type)
- Civet absolute
- Clary sage absolute
- Clary sage oil
- Clove bud SFE
- Clove bud oil
- Clove leaf oil
- Coffee absolute
- Coffee arabica roasted SFE
- Coffee arabica roasted extract
- Coffee robusta roasted SFE
- Coffee robusta roasted extract
- Combava oil
- Coriander herb oil
- Coriander seed oil
- Cubeb Absolute
- Cubeb SFE
- Cubeb oil
- Cumin seed oil
- Curry leaf absolute
- Cypress oil
- Cypriol oil
- Davana oil
- Decalepis absolute
- Deertongue absolute
- Dynamone
- Elder flower absolute
- Elemi SFE
- Elemi oil
- Elemi resinoid
- Eucalyptus globulus absolute
- Eucalyptus globulus oil
- Evodia oil
- Fenugreek absolute
- Fir balsam absolute
- Fir needle oil (Siberia)
- Flouve absolute
- Flouve absolute colorless
- Frangipani absolute
- Galbanum SFE
- Galbanum oil
- Galbanum resinoid
- Genet absolute
- Geranium oil
- Geranium oil (bourbon)
- Ginger oil
- Goldenrod oil
- Grapefruit oil
- Guaiac wood oil
- Gurjun balsam oil (Copaene type)
- Gurjun balsam oil (Gurjunene type)
- Gurjun balsam oleoresin (Copaene type)
- Gurjun balsam oleoresin (Gurjunene type)
- Hay absolute
- Helichrysum absolute
- Helichrysum flower oil
- Ho wood oil
- Honey Provence Absolute Firabs
- Hydrocarboresin
- Hyraceum absolute
- Hyssop oil
- Incense oil
- Iris pallida absolute
- Jasmine Auriculatum absolute
- Jasmine Grandiflorum absolute
- Jasmine Grandiflorum concrete
- Jasmine Sambac absolute
- Jasmine Sambac concrete
- Jasmine tea SFE
- Juniper berry oil
- Juniper leaves oil
- Kaempferia galanga root SFE
- Kaempferia galanga root absolute
- Korintje cassia SFE
- Korintje cassia absolute
- Labdanum absolute
- Laminaria absolute
- Lantana camara oil
- Laurel leaf oil
- Lavandin absolute
- Lavandin grosso oil
- Lavender absolute
- Lavender oil
- Leather MD
- Ledum groenlandicum oil
- Lemon oil (steam distilled)
- Lemongrass East Indian oil
- Lemongrass oil (West Indian)
- Lime oil distilled
- Litsea cubeba oil
- Lovage leaf oil
- Lovage root oil
- Mace oil
- Mandarin oil (green)
- Mandarin oil (red)
- Mandarin oil (yellow)
- Mastic absolute
- Mate absolute
- Mentha arvensis oil (distilled)
- Mentha citrata oil
- Mentha piperita oil
- Mentha pulegium oil
- Mentha spearmint absolute
- Mentha spearmint oil
- Michelia alba flower oil
- Mimosa absolute
- Mimosa concrete
- Myrrh SFE
- Myrrh absolute
- Myrrh oil
- Myrrh resinoid
- Myrtle oil
- Narcissus jonquilla absolute
- Narcissus poeticus absolute
- Neroli bigarade oil (Sweet)
- Nutmeg SFE
- Nutmeg oil
- Oakmoss absolute (low atranol & chloratranol)
- Olibanum SFE
- Olibanum oil
- Olibanum resinoid
- Olibanum resinoid
- Opoponax oil
- Opoponax resinoid
- Orange blossom aromatic water (Bitter)
- Orange cold pressed (Sweet)
- Orange flower absolute (Bitter)
- Orange oil (Bitter)
- Orange oil rectified (Sweet)
- Origanum oil
- Osmanthus absolute
- Palmarosa oil
- Papyrus oil
- Parsley herb oil
- Parsley seed oil
- Patchouli oil
- Peru balsam oil
- Peru balsam resinoid
- Petitgrain bigarade oil
- Petitgrain lemon oil
- Pink lotus absolute
- Piper betle oil
- Piper longum absolute
- Popcorn absolute
- Ravintsara oil
- Red seaweed SFE
- Roasted barley extract
- Rose absolute (centifolia)
- Rose absolute (damascena)
- Rose oil (damascena)
- Rose water oil (damascena)
- Rosemary SFE
- Rosemary oil
- Rosewood oil
- Rum absolute
- Rum exudate SFE
- Sage officinale flower oil
- Sandalwood oil (album)
- Sandalwood oil (austrocaledonium)
- Sandalwood oil (spicatum)
- Sandalwood oil (spicatum)
- Schinus terebenthifolius SFE
- Schinus terebinthifolius oil
- Scotch pine absolute
- Scotch pine oil
- Sesame seed SFE
- Siam benzoin SFE
- Siam benzoin resinoid
- Sichuan pepper SFE
- Sichuan pepper absolute
- Star anise SFE
- Star anise oil
- Styrax dry-distilled pyrogenated (Honduras)
- Styrax oil (Honduras)
- Styrax resinoid (Honduras)
- Sumatra benzoin resinoid
- Sweet fennel oil
- Sweet marjoram oil
- Tagetes minuta oil
- Tanacetum vulgare
- Tarragon oil
- Tea leaf absolute
- Temu lawak SFE
- Temu lawak absolute
- Thyme oil (red)
- Thyme oil (white)
- Thyme satureoide oil (borneol type)
- Tobacco absolute
- Tolu balsam resinoid
- Tonka bean absolute
- Treemoss absolute low atranol
- Tuberose absolute
- Tuberose concrete
- Turmeric roots oil
- Turpentine oil
- Vanilla SFE (planifolia)
- Vanilla absolute (planifolia)
- Vanilla absolute (tahitensis)
- Vanilla extract (planifolia)
- Vetiver SFE (Haïti)
- Vetiver by-absolute (Haïti)
- Vetiver oil (Haïti)
- Vetiver oil (Java)
- Violet leaf absolute
- Wine lees oil (white)
- Wintergreen oil
- Wormwood oil
- Ylang ylang absolute
- Ylang ylang oil I
- Ylang ylang oil III
- Ylang ylang oil complete
- Ylang ylang oil extra
- (-)-Borneol
- (2E,6Z)-Nonadienal
- (2E,6Z)-Nonadienol
- (2R,4S)-rel-Doremox®
- (E)-2-Hexenal
- (E)-Beta-ionone
- (E)-Béta-damascenone
- (E/Z)-Alpha-damascone®
- (E/Z)-Béta-damascone®
- (E/Z)-Delta-damascone®
- (E/Z)-Gamma-damascone®
- (Z)-3-Hexenol
- (Z)-4-heptenal
- (Z)-6-Nonenal
- (Z)-Mayol®
- 1,3-Octenol
- 2-Acetyl pyrazine
- 2-[8-Isopropyl-6-methylbicyclo[2.2.2]oct-5-en-2-yl]-1,3-dioxolane
- 2-ethyl-3-methyl pyrazine
- 2-methoxy-3-isopropyl pyrazine
- 2-methyl-2-pentenoic acid
- 4-Vinyl Guaiacol
- Abalyn®
- Acetaldehyde
- Acetoin
- Acetophenone
- Adoxal®
- Aldehyde C-10
- Aldehyde C-11 MOA
- Aldehyde C-11 Undecylenic
- Aldehyde C-11 Undecylic
- Aldehyde C-12 Lauric
- Aldehyde C-12 MNA
- Aldehyde C-14
- Aldehyde C-16
- Aldehyde C-20
- Aldehyde C-7
- Aldehyde C-8
- Aldehyde C-9
- Aldron®
- Aldéhyde Citron®
- Algix®
- Algénone SP®
- Allyl (3-methylbutoxy)acetate
- Allyl alpha-ionone
- Allyl caproate
- Allyl cyclohexyl propionate
- Alpha-Terpinene
- Alpha-Terpineol
- Alpha-Terpinyl acetate
- Alpha-cedrene
- Alpha-gurjunene
- Alpha-humulene
- Alpha-ionone
- Alpha-irone
- Alpha-neobutenone®
- Alpha-pinene
- Amber Xtreme®
- Amberketal®
- Ambermax 50®
- Ambrarome Absolute
- Ambrettex XMN®
- Ambrettolide
- Ambrinol
- Ambrocenide®
- Ambroxan®
- Amyl acetate
- Amyl phenyl acetate
- Amyl salicylate
- Andrane®
- Anethole
- Animalis 1745-03®
- Animalis 5843®
- Animalis 5853®
- Anisic aldehyde
- Anther®
- Applelide®
- Apritone®
- Aquamate®
- Auranone
- Aurantiol (Schiff Base)
- Azarbre
- Bacdanol®
- Benzaldehyde
- Benzaldehyde dimethyl acetal
- Benzophenone
- Benzyl acetate
- Benzyl alcohol
- Benzyl benzoate
- Benzyl cinnamate
- Benzyl isoeugenol
- Benzyl propionate
- Benzyl salicylate
- Beta-caryophyllene
- Beta-dihydroionone
- Beta-pinene
- Bigaflower
- Bisabolene
- Boisambrene Forte®
- Boisiris®
- Bourgeonal™
- Butanone
- Calone®
- Camphor
- Canthoxal®
- Caproic acid
- Cardamom aldehyde
- Caryophyllene acetate
- Caryophyllene formate
- Caryophyllene oxide
- Cascalone®
- Cashmeran®
- Cassis Base 345 F®
- Cedramber®
- Cedrol
- Cedroxyde®
- Cedryl acetate
- Centifolether
- Cervolide
- Chocovan®
- Cinnamaldehyde
- Cinnamyl acetate
- Cinnamyl alcohol
- Cis-3-Hexenyl isobutyrate
- Cis-3-hexenyl Formate
- Cis-3-hexenyl acetate
- Cis-3-hexenyl benzoate
- Cis-3-hexenyl caproate
- Cis-3-hexenyl salicylate
- Cis-jasmone
- Citral
- Citral dimethyl acetal
- Citrefort™
- Citronellal
- Citronellic acid
- Citronellyl formate
- Citronellyl nitrile
- Clearwood®
- Coranol
- Cosmone®
- Costus Oliffac®
- Coumarin
- Creosol
- Cuir HF
- Cuir de Russie
- Cumin nitrile
- Cuminaldehyde
- Cyclacet
- Cyclamen aldehyde
- Cyclogalbanate®
- Cyclomethylene citronellol
- Cyclopidene
- Cyclosia®
- Cyclotene
- Cyclozonal™
- D-Limonene
- DL-Menthol
- DL-citronellyl acetate
- Damascenone
- Delphol HC®
- Delphone
- Delta-3-Carene
- Delta-decalactone
- Delta-dodecalactone
- Delta-muscenone®
- Delta-nonalactone
- Delta-octalactone
- Delta-undecalactone
- Dew Fruits®
- Diacetyl
- Diethyl phtalate
- Dihydro ambrate
- Dihydro-alpha-terpineol
- Dihydrocoumarin
- Dihydroeugenol
- Dihydrojasmone
- Dihydromyrcenol
- Dihydrorosan®
- Dimethyl anthranilate
- Dimethyl benzyl carbinol
- Dimethyl benzyl carbinyl acetate
- Dimethyl octenone
- Dimethyl sulfide
- Dimethylbenzylcarbinyl butyrate
- Dimetol®
- Dipentene 38 Perf
- Diphenyl oxide
- Dipropylene glycol
- Dowanol
- Driftwood
- Dupical
- Dynascone®
- Ebanol®
- Estragole
- Ethanol
- Ethyl acetate
- Ethyl aceto acetate
- Ethyl butyrate
- Ethyl caproate
- Ethyl linalool
- Ethyl maltol
- Ethyl octanoate
- Ethyl safranate
- Ethyl vanillin
- Eucalyptol
- Eugenol
- Eugenyl acetate
- Evernyl®
- Exaltenone®
- Exaltolide®
- Farnesene
- Farnesol
- Farnesyl acetate
- Firascone®
- Firsantol®
- Fixamber®
- Floralozone®
- Florhydral®
- Florol®
- Floropal®
- Folione®
- Fraistone®
- Frambinone®
- Fructalate®
- Fructone®
- Fruit Sec 17907®
- Fruitaleur®
- Frutonile®
- Furaneol®
- Furfural
- Gaiyl acetate
- Galaxolide®
- Galbanolene
- Galbazine
- Galbex®
- Gamma-Decalactone
- Gamma-Terpinene
- Gamma-dodecalactone
- Gamma-heptalactone
- Gamma-hexalactone
- Gamma-methyldecalactone
- Gamma-nonalactone
- Gamma-octalactone
- Geraniol
- Geranyl acetate
- Geranyl butyrate
- Geranyl propionate
- Grapefruit Mercaptan
- Greencatcher
- Grisalva®
- Guavanate®
- Habanolide®
- Hedione®
- Helional®
- Heliotropin
- Helvetolide®
- Heptyl acetate
- Herbanate®
- Hercolyn®
- Hexyl acetate
- Hexyl salicylate
- Hivernal® Neo
- Honeyflor®
- Hyacinth Acetal
- Hyacinth Body®
- Hydrofleur®
- Hydroxycitronellal
- Indocolore®
- Indole
- Iralia®
- Iso E Super®
- Isoamyl acetate
- Isoamyl alcohol
- Isoamyl butyrate
- Isoamyl phenyl acetate
- Isobornyl acetate
- Isobutavan®
- Isobutyl quinoline
- Isocyclocitral®
- Isoeugenol
- Isoeugenyl acetate
- Isomenthone
- Isononyl acetate
- Isopar
- Isopentyrate
- Isophytol
- Isopropyl myristate
- Isopulegol
- Isoraldéine 70®
- Isoraldéine 95®
- Isovaleraldehyde
- Jasmal®
- Jasminlactone
- Jasmolactone extra
- Jasmonal A®
- Jasmonal H®
- Javanol®
- Javanol® Super
- Karanal®
- Kephalis®
- L-Menthol
- L-Menthone
- L-carvone
- Lactone of cis-jasmone
- Lavender aldehyde®
- Lemonile®
- Levistamel
- Liffarome®
- Lilial®
- Lilyflore®
- Limetol®
- Linalool
- Linalool oxide
- Linalyl acetate
- Linalyl propionate
- Lyral®
- Madrox™
- Magnolan®
- Majantol®
- Maltol
- Mandarin aldehyde
- Mandarinal®
- Manzanate®
- Melonal®
- Menthanyl acetate
- Menthone®
- Metambrate
- Methional
- Methoxy methyl butanol
- Methyl 2-furoate
- Methyl Laitone®
- Methyl Pamplemousse®
- Methyl amyl ketone
- Methyl anthranilate
- Methyl benzoate
- Methyl cinnamate
- Methyl cyclogeranate
- Methyl geranate
- Methyl heptyl ketone
- Methyl hexyl ketone
- Methyl isoeugenol
- Methyl octine carbonate
- Methyl salicylate
- Methyleugenol
- Miglyol
- Mircenal™
- Mousse de Saxe®
- Muguet aldehyde
- Muguissimo®
- Muscenone®
- Muscone®
- Musk R1
- Musk T®
- Musk ketone
- Myrcene
- Myroxyde®
- Mysore acetate
- Mystikal™
- Nectarol®
- Nectaryl®
- Neofolione®
- Nerol
- Nerolidol
- Neryl acetate
- Nirvanolide®
- Nootkatone
- Nopyl acetate
- Nuezate™
- Ocimene
- Octahydrocoumarin
- Okoumal®
- Olibanol®
- Oranger Crystals®
- Orivone®
- Orrisol®
- Osyrol®
- Oxane
- Oxyoctaline formate
- Ozonil®
- P-cresyl phenyl acetate
- P-cymene
- P-tolyl acetate
- Paradisamide®
- Parmanthème®
- Parmavert®
- Patchone®
- Patchouli oxyde
- Patchoulol
- Pear Ester
- Peonile®
- Pharaone®
- Phenoxanol®
- Phenoxyethyl isobutyrate
- Phenyl acetaldehyde
- Phenyl ethyl alcohol
- Phenyl ethyl phenyl acetate
- Phenyl propyl alcohol
- Phenylacetic acid
- Phenylethyl acetate
- Phenylethyl cinnamate
- Phenylethyl salicylate
- Physeol
- Pino acetaldehyde
- Plicatone
- Polysantol®
- Prenyl acetate
- Propylene glycol
- Reseda Body®
- Rhodinol 70®
- Rhubafuran®
- Rhubofix®
- Rhuboflor
- Romandolide®
- Romascone™
- Rosacetol®
- Rosalva®
- Rose oxide
- Rosyrane Super®
- Rum Ether
- Sabinene
- Safraleine®
- Safranal
- Salicylic aldehyde
- Salicynile®
- Sandalore®
- Sandaxol™
- Sandela®
- Santal Base Type Nat
- Santalol
- Scentenal®
- Sclareolate®
- Serenolide™
- Silvanone® Supra
- Silvial®
- Skatole
- Spirogalbanone®
- Stemone®
- Styrallyl acetate
- Styrallyl propionate
- Suederal LT®
- Sulfurol
- Sylkolide™
- Sylvamber™
- Syringa Aldehyde
- Syvertal®
- Tamarine 41310G®
- Tangelal®
- Tangerinol
- Terpinen-4-ol
- Terpineol
- Terpinolene
- Terrasol®
- Tetrahydrogeraniol
- Tetrahydrolinalool
- Tetrahydromyrcenol
- Thiomenthone®
- Thymol
- Timberol®
- Timbersilk®
- Tonalide®
- Trans-2-decen-1-al
- Trans-2-hexenol
- Trans-2-hexenyl acetate
- Triacetin
- Triethyl citrate
- Trifernal®
- Triplal®
- Troenan®
- Ultravanil 80%DPG
- Undecavertol®
- Valencene
- Vanillin
- Vanitrope
- Velberry™
- Veloutone®
- Velvione®
- Verdox®
- Vertenex®
- Vertofix®
- Vethymine™
- Vetiveryl acetate
- Violettyne
- Violiff®
- Vionil®
- Viridine®
- Vétyvénal®
- Woodinyl acetate
- Z11 HD
- dl-Citronellol
- p-Anisyl acetate
- p-Anisyl alcohol
- p-Methoxybenzonitrile
- p-cresol