Woody > Cedar > Smoky Woods > Leather

Cedarwood Texas oil

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Cedarwood Texas oil (CAS N° 68990-83-0)

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Information Générales

General Presentation

  • CAS N° : : 68990-83-0

  • EINECS number : 91722-61-1

  • FEMA number : Donnée indisponible.

  • Density :

  • Optical rotation : Lorem Ipsum

  • Allergens : This ingredient does not contain any allergen.

  • Refractive Index @20°C : Lorem Ipsum

  • Volatility : Base

  • Price Range : €€

  • Appearance : Pale yellow liquid



Other comments :

Texas cedarwood is naturally veru resistant and is also used for fence building.
In terms of smell, Texas cedarwood is close to Alaska, Chinese and Virginia cedarwood because of its smoky and pencil smell, but can be distinguished by its particular leathery smell.

Stability :

Terpenes in this essential oil may polymerize under high oxydation.

Uses in perfumery :

Texas cedarwood brings a natural cedarwood note with an important smoky character. It can be used in tobacco notes, in chypre perfumes and in leather notes.

Major Components :

  • Thujopsene (40-45%)
  • Alpha-Cedrene (20-25%)
  • Cedrol (15-20%)
  • Thujopsanone (15-20%)
  • Beta-Cedrene (5-10%)
  • Widdrol (≈4%)
  • Pseudocedrol

Map for Cedarwood Texas oil (CAS N° 68990-83-0)​

Photo credits: ScenTree SAS

Botanique :

Texas cedarwood belongs to the Cupressaceae family and t the gender Juniperus, as does Juniper Berry EO or Cedarwood Virginia EO.

Chemotypes :

At the moment, there are some 600 different species of conifers. Among them, the largest (more than 100 meters) and the oldest (more than 4,800 years old) trees of the world.
Other trees are called ''cedars '' in perfumery. However, their botanical genus is not the same for everyone. Texas cedar belongs to the Juniperus genus. It is a juniper tree, as Cedar wood Virginia (Cedarwood Virginia EO). Chinese (Cedarwood Chinese EO) and Alaskan cedar (Cedarwood Alaska EO) belong to the genus Cupressus. These are cypress trees. Only the Atlas (Cedarwood Atlas EO) and Himalayan cedars are of the genus Cedrus, and have a fairly similar odour, without the olfactory influence of Cedrol.
The ''false '' cedars take their name from their Cedrol content, which is the most important for cedars of Alaska and Virginia.

Extraction process :

Texas cedarwood can reach 10 to 15 metres high and has a very dense and intensly green folliage. Cultivated wild, this tree propagation is done naturally by dispersing the seeds when the birds come by. This tree is very resistant and can live 50 to 100 years long.
For perfumery, the trunk is cut down and crushed and is extracted by steam distillation under high pressure, for few hours. The essential oil is recovered at the end of the process, by settling over the condensed water in a florentine flask.
Texas Cedarwood, although containing less Cedrol and Cedrene than Cedarwood Virginia EO or Cedarwood Chinese EO, makes it possible to isolate Cedrol or Cedrene by distillation.

Geographic origin :

Data not available.


Regulations & IFRA

This ingredient is not restricted

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