Floral > Rosy > Geranium > Green

Palmarosa oil

Cymbopogon martini (Roxb.) W.Watson
Synonyms : Andropogon martini Robx. // Andropogon calamus-aromaticus Royle

Palmarosa oil (CAS N° 8014-19-5 // 84649-81-0)

Company Ingredient Name ID Naturality Purity Latin name Treated part Geographical origin Certifications Comments MOQ
Quosentis logo
Huile essentielle de Palmarosa - 30 gr - - - - - - more -
Van Aroma logo
Palmarosa oil CM-001 Natural 100 Cymbopogon martinii Leaves Indonesia more 100 Kgs
MANE logo
PALMAROSA Folded Essential Oil M_0060092 Naturel - - - - more -
Synthite logo
PALMAROSA EO 4410000031 Naturel - - - - more -
Biolandes logo
PALMAROSA N710F Huile essentielle - Cymbopogon martinii (Roxb.) Will. Watson var. motia Partie aérienne Madagascar more -
Biolandes logo
PALMAROSA B710F Huile essentielle - Cymbopogon martinii (Roxb.) Will. Watson var. motia Partie aérienne Madagascar more -
Biolandes logo
PALMAROSA N1888 Huile essentielle - Cymbopogon martinii (Roxb.) Will. Watson var. motia Feuille Madagascar more -
Biolandes logo
PALMAROSA A0970 Huile essentielle - Cymbopogon martinii (Roxb.) Will. Watson var. motia Feuille Inde more -
Biolandes logo
PALMAROSA B711 Huile essentielle - Cymbopogon martinii (Roxb.) Will. Watson var. motia Partie aérienne Inde more -
Information Générales

General Presentation

  • CAS N° : : 8014-19-5 // 84649-81-0

  • EINECS number : 283-461-2

  • FEMA number : Donnée indisponible.

  • Density :

  • Optical rotation : Lorem Ipsum

  • Allergens : Geraniol - Linalool - Citral - Farnesol - D-Limonene

  • Refractive Index @20°C : Lorem Ipsum

  • Volatility : Heart

  • Price Range : €€

  • Appearance : Liquide jaune à jaune pâle



Other comments :

India is the largest palmarosa farmer, particularly in the southern Himalayan regions and at the Afghan border.
Palmarosa essential oil is widely used for the purpose of extracting natural Geraniol. Its level of Geraniol depends on the quality of the phosphate removal of the Geranyl Phosphate present in the plant and the rate of conversion of Geraniol to Geranyl Acetate and Geranial during the processes that take place.
Besides its citral and green smell, the palmarosa gets its name from its particular pinkish smell.

Stability :

The terpenes identified in this raw material can polymerize when they are oxidized
The esters identified in this raw material can form their corresponding acid in stability tests

Uses in perfumery :

It is an economical alternative to rose and Geranium EO. Also give a interesting green facets

Major Components :

  • Geraniol (74 - 94%)
  • Geranyl Acetate (5 - 20%)
  • Geranyl Formate (5 - 15%)
  • Linalool (2 - 4%)
  • Nerol (≈1%)

Map for Palmarosa oil (CAS N° 8014-19-5 // 84649-81-0)​

Photo credits: ScenTree SAS

Botanique :

Le palmarosa est une plante herbacée appartenant à la famille des Poacées et au genre cymbopogon comme les lemongrass et les citronnelles

Chemotypes :

Le genre Cymbopogon (nom latin venant du grec kymbe, signifiant bateau, et pogon, signifiant barbe) comprends près d’une soixantaine d’espèces. Voici ci-dessous une liste des espèces utilisées en parfumerie.
Les citronnelles :
• Cymbopogon nardus (L.) Rendle – Citronnelle Ceylan HE, présent principalement au Sri Lanka
• Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt – Citronnelle Java HE, présent principalement en Indonésie.
• Cymbopogon pendulus – Citronnelle Jammu HE, présent principalement en Inde.
Les lemongrass :
• Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf – West indian lemongrass HE
• Cymbopogon flexuosus (Nees ex Steud.) W.Watson – East indian lemongrass HE
Le palmarosa :
• Cymbopogon martinii (Roxb.) J.F. Wats. – Palmarosa HE, présent principalement en Inde, en Indonésie ainsi qu’au Brésil. Son odeur est beaucoup plus rosée que les autres espèces, notamment du fait de sa concentration importante en géraniol.

Extraction process :

Palmarosa is an herb with long flat leaves that can reach up to three meters high and contains the essential oil of the plant. The propagation of a crop is made by a regular sowing of the seeds. The cultivation of the plant must be done on a very well drained soil.
The harvest begins just after flowering, after a few months of cultivation. Native tribes take care of the harvest from March to November. After the harvest, the leaves are dried in the sun for a week to improve the extraction yield: drying them allows to concentrate the volatile molecules, without degrading or modifying the smell of the plant. The extraction is done by steam distillation, under high pressure of water and the essential oil is collected by decantation, in the receptacle at the outlet of the refrigerant.
The yield of the extraction of the plant varies between 0.5 and 1.2%.
The essential oil of palmarosa is often used for the extraction of natural geraniol.

Geographic origin :

Data not available.


Regulations & IFRA

  • IFRA 51th : This ingredient is restricted by IFRA

Annexe I :

Some regulated synthetic ingredients are found in nature and in certain proportions in natural ingredients. This presence in nature has to be taken into account when calculating limits of use recommended by the IFRA. In case you do not know these concentrations, you can use the ones estimated by the IFRA. Here they are :

List of regulated compounds contained in this ingredient
Regulated ingredient name CAS N° Estimated Concentration
Citral 5392-40-5 0,6
Geraniol 106-24-1 82,4
Farnesol 4602-84-0 1
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