Balsamic Ambery > Coumarinic > Tobacco > Honeyed

Elder flower absolute

Sambucus nigra L.
Synonyms : Sambucus alba Raf. // Sambucus arborescens Gilib.

Elder flower absolute (CAS N° 68916-55-2)

Company Ingredient Name ID Naturality Purity Latin name Treated part Geographical origin Certifications Comments MOQ
Quosentis logo
Absolue de Fleurs de Sureau - 30 gr - - - - - - more -
Biolandes logo
SUREAU NOIR P00554462000 Extrait - Sambucus nigra L. Fleur Bulgarie more -
Information Générales

General Presentation

  • CAS N° : : 68916-55-2

  • EINECS number : 283-259-4

  • FEMA number : Donnée indisponible.

  • Density :

  • Optical rotation : Lorem Ipsum

  • Allergens : This ingredient does not contain any allergen.

  • Refractive Index @20°C : Lorem Ipsum

  • Volatility : Heart/Base

  • Price Range : €€€€

  • Appearance : Dark green to black liquid



Other comments :

Elderflower is rarely used in perfumery. It is generally macerated for the manufacture of syrup and various drinks, as a flavouring compound.

Stability :

Solubility issues in perfumes.
The occurrence of Anisic Aldehyde can cause coloration issues through time, even if this extract is already colourful.

Uses in perfumery :

Used in cocoa, tobacco, woody and honeyed accords, to bring naturalilty and for roundong the note.

Major Components :

  • cis-Linalool Oxide (25-30%)
  • 2-Hexanone (≈11%)
  • 3-Hexanone (≈6%)
  • 2-Hexanol (≈6%)
  • 3-Hexanol (≈4%)
  • Anisic Aldehyde (≈4%)

Map for Elder flower absolute (CAS N° 68916-55-2)​

Photo credits: ScenTree SAS

Botanique :

Elderflower is the flower of a tree of the Adoxaceae family and of the Sambucus genus.

Chemotypes :

There are several species of elderflowers depending on their geographical origin.
In Europe, there are Sambucus nigra (white elder, the most cultivated in the world), Sambucus racemosa (red elder, with toxic red fruit clusters) and Sambucus ebulus (rhizome elder, with toxic black berries).
In America, there are: Sambucus canadensis (growing in eastern Canada), Sambucus serulea (glaucous elder, grown in western Canada) and Sambucus callicarpa (from North America).
It is not uncommon to find mixings of the most cultivated species among those mentioned.

Extraction process :

Elderflower cultivation is very easy and simply requires a lot of sunshine on all types of soil and in all types of climates. The elderberry tree flowers in abundance between May and July. It is at this time that the flowers are cultivated. The cultivation is done by hand, cutting the stems 10 to 15 cm under the flower grapes. The flowers should be barely open, white and with as few blacks as possible. The flowers are stored in crates directly brought to the factory.
The extraction of elderflower absolute is carried out from the fresh elderberry flowers, on the day of their harvest, because they are very fragile flowers. The concrete is then obtained by extraction with volatile solvents. The absolute comes from the washing of this concrete with alcohol, called icing, and consisting in imposing a temperature ramp from 60°C to 0°C on the diluted concrete.
It is also possible to find a CO2 extraction.
Finally, it should be noted that the berries (fruits) and wood from the tree can be extracted, but are used for aromatic purposes for aromatherapy or in some drinks.

Geographic origin :

Data not available.


Regulations & IFRA

This ingredient is not restricted

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