Balsamic Ambery > Honeyed > Coumarinic > Cinnamic > Orange Blossom

Honey Provence Absolute Firabs

Artemisia absinthium L.
Synonyms : Artemisia absinthium var. absinthium // Absinthium officinale Brot.

Honey Provence Absolute Firabs (CAS N° N/A)

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Information Générales

General Presentation

  • CAS N° : : N/A

  • EINECS number : Donnée indisponible.

  • FEMA number : Donnée indisponible.

  • Density :

  • Optical rotation : Lorem Ipsum

  • Allergens : This ingredient does not contain any allergen.

  • Refractive Index @20°C : Lorem Ipsum

  • Volatility : Base

  • Price Range : Donnée indisponible.

  • Appearance : Yellow to orange liquid (can crystallize)



Other comments :

Stability :

Data not available.

Uses in perfumery :

Cet ingrédient est la quintessence de la note miellée, il est rare de voir un produit aussi proche de la note trouvée dans la nature. Utilisation intéressante dans les accords gourmands, ambrés, les tabacs ou encore pour soutenir des notes florales.

Major Components :

Data not available.

Map for Honey Provence Absolute Firabs (CAS N° N/A)​

Photo credits: ScenTree SAS

Botanique :

Woormwood is a plant of the Asteraceae family and the genus Artemisia L.
Asteraceae family is one of the most important family in the fragrance world, it includes for example all the Artemisia (Wormwood, Armoise, Tarragon, Davana) and all the Tansy, the Everlasting and the tagetes.

Chemotypes :

It is necessary to differentiate several varieties of absinthe.
Artemisia absinthium, otherwise known as Grande Wormwood.
Artemisia pontic, otherwise called Petite Wormwood.
Artemisia ludoviciana, otherwise known as White or Silver Wormwood.

Extraction process :

These ingredients comes from a Coextraction of natural (beeswax and honeycomb still containing traces of honey) and synthetic ingredients of which some are captives.

Geographic origin :

Data not available.


Regulations & IFRA

This ingredient is not restricted

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