Spicy > Warm Spices > Dry Woods > Cedar > Green

Turmeric roots oil

Curcuma longa L.
Synonyms : Amomum curcuma Jacq. // Curcuma domestica L.

Turmeric roots oil (CAS N° 8024-37-1)

Company Ingredient Name ID Naturality Purity Latin name Treated part Geographical origin Certifications Comments MOQ
Quosentis logo
Huile Essentielle de Curcuma - 30 gr - - - - - - more -
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Curcuma Longa (Turmeric Root Oil) - CO2 CU-001 Natural 100 Curcuma Longa Root Indonesia more 25 Kgs
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Curcuma Longa (Turmeric Extract) CU-0201 Natural 100 Curcuma Longa Root Indonesia more 50 Kgs
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TURMERIC OIL Fresh-Tek 4410000038 Naturel - - - - more -
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CURCUMA INCO 100 F1041 Extrait - Curcuma longa L. Rhizome Inde more -
Information Générales

General Presentation

  • CAS N° : : 8024-37-1

  • EINECS number : 283-882-1

  • FEMA number : 3085

  • Density :

  • Optical rotation : Lorem Ipsum

  • Allergens : This ingredient does not contain any allergen.

  • Refractive Index @20°C : Lorem Ipsum

  • Volatility : Heart

  • Price Range : €€€€

  • Appearance : Pale yellow liquid



Other comments :

There is in Turmeric oil a compound called Curcumin that can be used as a precursor for natural vanillin. This compound is also responsible for the yellow orange color of turmeric.

Stability :

Can easily turn to a red liquid.

Uses in perfumery :

Perfumery is not the largest use of turmeric. Indeed, the rhizome is above all a spice. It is therefore widely used in aromatic food as well as in cooking. At the same time, its important medicinal properties have led to the use of turmeric extracts as a medicinal remedy since ancient times.

Major Components :

  • Turmerone (~60%)
  • Zingiberene (~25 %)
  • Alpha-Phellandrene (5-10%)
  • Eucalyptol (<3%)
  • Beta-Caryophyllene (<3%)
  • Beta-Bisabolene (<3%)
  • Terpinolene (<3%)
  • D-Limonene (<3%)

Map for Turmeric roots oil (CAS N° 8024-37-1)​

Photo credits: ScenTree SAS

Botanique :

Curcuma is a flowering plant belonging to the Zingiberaceae family and the Curcuma genus.

Chemotypes :

There are approximately 80 recognized cultivars of turmeric but Curcuma Longa is the most widely used (because it is the one used as a spice so production volumes are huge). Please note thats its also posible to find others varieties such as Curcuma aromatica, Curcuma xanthorrhyza, Curcuma domestica, Curcuma zedoafia, Curcuma caesia or Curcuma amada.

Extraction process :

Turmeric is a perennial herb native to India that can measure up to 1 meter. This plant is cultivated for its rhizome. Once the plant is harvested, the rhizome is separated and washed to remove any residual soil. It is then polished and ground into powder. This is similar to the treatment performed on Ginger EO. At this stage, two types of extraction are possible. Either by extraction with a volatile solvent to obtain an oleoresin ( which is the most common case as it gives a better yield, around 10-15%, and is easier to use in flavouring or cooking) or to obtain an essential oil. Curcuma Longa EO is obtained by steam distillation dry rhizome powdered. Yield between 2-4% for a process that lasts about 8-10 hours. It should be noted that an hydrodistillation of the Curcuma zedoatia variety is also carried out with a yield between 5 and 15%, leading to a green liquid EO

Geographic origin :

Data not available.


Regulations & IFRA

This ingredient is not restricted

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