Woody > Buttery > Cedar > Tobacco

Gurjun balsam oleoresin (Copaene type)

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Gurjun balsam oleoresin (Copaene type) (CAS N° 8030-55-5)

Company Ingredient Name ID Naturality Purity Latin name Treated part Geographical origin Certifications Comments MOQ
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Gurjun Dark - Copaene GB-001 Natural 100 Dipterocarpus turbinatus Resin Indonesia more 1 MT
Information Générales

General Presentation

  • CAS N° : : 8030-55-5

  • EINECS number : 232-444-8

  • FEMA number : Donnée indisponible.

  • Density :

  • Optical rotation : Lorem Ipsum

  • Allergens : This ingredient does not contain any allergen.

  • Refractive Index @20°C : Lorem Ipsum

  • Volatility : Base

  • Price Range :

  • Appearance : Brown to dark viscous liquid



Other comments :

Be careful, the species used to obtain gurjun balsam is classified as ''vulnerable '' by the IUCN, it is therefore in danger of extinction due to its over-exploitation. Luckily, there is now a decreasing amount of production.

It is common to use gurjun balsam to falsified Patchouli EO. This adulteration is identifiable because there is no allo-aromadendrene (N°CAS: 25246-27-9) in the patchouli EO.

Stability :

Data not available.

Uses in perfumery :

Used as a base note to bring an intense and warm woody note. Because of its cheaper price (than patchouli EO, Amyris EO or Copaiba balsam), gurjun balsam is an attractive option for fixative queries. Also allows to fixate aromatic notes and floral bouquet. It is a very good fixative.

Nowadays, gurjun is more used as a counterfeit for other essential oils rather than for its own smell.

Major Components :

  • Alpha-copaene (40 - 55%)
  • Beta-caryophyllene (15 - 25%)
  • Alpha-gurjunene (Trace)

Map for Gurjun balsam oleoresin (Copaene type) (CAS N° 8030-55-5)​

Photo credits: ScenTree SAS

Botanique :

Gurjun is the name given to the balsam exhuded by a tree belonging to the Dipterocarpaceae family and the dipterocarpus genus

Chemotypes :

The genus Dipterocarpus includes almost 70 species. Among them, one species, the Dipterocarpus turbinatus is very valuable for its balsam, the gurjun.
This species has two main chemotypes, identifiable by the main component.
- Dipterocarpus turbinatus CT Copaene (Gurjun balsam dark CT copaene / Gurjun balsam light CT copaene): This chemotype is mainly present in Indonesia. The balsam of this chemotype contains at least 40% Alpha-copaene as well as few amont of Beta-caryophyllene.
- Dipterocarpus turbinatus CT Gurjunene (Gurjun balsam dark CT gurjunene /Gurjun balsam light CT gurjunene): This chemotype is distributed in Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam or Cambodia. The balsam contains at least 40% Alpha-gurjunene. (Please note that the concentration of beta-caryophyllene is negligible).

Extraction process :

Gurjun balsam is exhuded by tall trees of the Dipterocarpus gender. Farmers performs scarifications and burns of the trunk. Resulting oleoresin is the tree's immunological response to these aggressions.

If the oleoresin is sold as such, it is called ''Dark '' quality. (cf. Gurjun balsam dark CT copaene).
It is however possible to make a hydrodistillation on it in order to obtain a ''light '' balsam. (cf. Gurjun balsam light CT copaene)

Geographic origin :

Data not available.


Regulations & IFRA

This ingredient is not restricted

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